Grant Help partners with TWIYO to advise businesses on improving financial functions

Grant Help provides expert guidance to businesses seeking to enhance their financial operations through a single advisory session. Under our partnership with TWIYO Capital and Advisory, 10 of our clients have received an exclusive opportunity for a complimentary CFO Health Check. This special offer was made available to businesses with annual revenues ranging from $1 million to $15 million.

TWIYO Capital and Advisory is a highly reputable corporate advisory firm committed to driving positive transformations within businesses.

Each CFO Health Check offered a comprehensive assessment of the financial functions of each participating client, identifying unforeseen threats and issues that impact business operations. TWIYO provided detailed insights of lucrative opportunities, crucial recommendations for cost reduction, profit optimisation strategies, and the value of virtual CFO services. With TWIYO's wealth of expertise and a remarkable track record of advising 100 early-stage companies over the past three years, ensures enhanced success of each selected client. 

Health Check Overview: 

  • 1x Initial Assessment Call
  • 1x Output report with key risks identified and recommendations 
  • 1x Follow up call to walk you through the report and tips on how to implement
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